Destiny: The Long-Range Card

Book of Life Destiny Cards

The Long-Range Card
Want to know the most important card of the year? Each year of your life you have one card that represents the major focus of the year, called the Long-Range Card.
The Long-Range Card can be a person you know or a mental state or type of experience that seems to come up over and over throughout the year and takes up much of your attention. The Long-Range Card usually indicates the single most important focus of the year in question, and this alone can give you a lot of valuable information about any year of your life. Being the Long-Range Card doesn’t mean it is a good influence or bad influence, it means it is important. This card could be a card of success and happiness or a card of challenge and hard work, but whatever it is, it will be important to you.
Sometimes the meaning of the Long-Range Card relates only to internal events or things that are going on inside of you that no one knows anything about except you.
To find out your Long-Range Card or if it is the card of someone you know call (347) 623-0715. Leave a message with your full birthday and I will get back to you. Or message me at:

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